The Role of a Non-Executive Director
The need for a non-listed business (i.e. not compelled to do so by the Combined Code) to recruit a Non Executive Director is very dependent on the stage and size of the business. Thus the role may require all or a combination of the following:
- To provide expertise to a business it otherwise may not be able to afford;
- Assess management in relation to goals/strategy;
- Ensure the financial information is accurate and robust controls are in place;
- Provide a mechanism to ensure shareholder funds are used efficiently;
- Help set strategy and focus management on delivering it;
- Add credibility to a management team;
- Act as a sounding board to the MD;
- Act as a conduit between management and the investors;
- Fill a skills gap on the board;
- Provide constructive challenge and objective insight.
Therefore the core skills required for a Non-Executive Director are as follows:
- Sound judgement and objectivity; An ability to influence through clear communication;
- Strong interpersonal skills and an ability to manage conflict;
- Integrity and independence of thought;
- Commercial awareness and insight.