In Conversation

Gracia Thumbnail
In Conversation with Gracia Amico

Some people are born entrepreneurial, others acquire the trait and a few have it thrust upon them. Gracia Amico is closest to the first category.

7th Dec 23

Martin jamieson thumbnail
In conversation with Martin Jamieson

There is not much about the world of medical devices with which Martin Jamieson is unfamiliar. He has built a stellar career as a Managing Director, CEO, Chair and non-executive director in the sector.

18th Oct 23

Andy King Thumnail
Andy King

Andy King has become over the course of his career a true Mr Retail. It cannot be claimed that this was part of some master plan.

29th Aug 23

Frank Collins Thumbnail
Frank Collins OBE

Through his individual initiatives and the investments with which he has been associated, Frank Collins OBE has, albeit indirectly, been responsible for enhancing, indeed saving, many lives.

9th Jun 23

Clare Lacey Thumbnail
Clare Lacey

Clare Lacey is a relatively new non-executive director, the timing of that status coming as something as a surprise even to herself.

12th May 23

Chris Dobson Thumbnail
Chris Dobson

To say that Chris Dobson has had quite an interesting career would be an understatement akin to noting that some Premier League Footballers are quite well paid.

27th Feb 23

FD Direct Limited (trading as Equity FD, Equity FC, Equity Interim and Equity Chair) has ceased trading.

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