
Delfield icon

I have worked with Equi­tyFD before and turned to Cindy at Equi­ty­Chair when I need­ed to hire a Chair for the same busi­ness. Cindy was a great part­ner, thor­ough in her process and thought­ful in her selec­tion. Thank you Cindy!

Roberto Barzi, Board Member, Delfield Precision Engineering

Equi­ty Chair recent­ly helped us to build a new Board for a sig­nif­i­cant impact hous­ing ven­ture in the South West. We were delight­ed that Cindy found a num­ber of high­ly expe­ri­enced and com­mer­cial can­di­dates who also have a gen­uine inter­est in deliv­er­ing real impact. Equi­ty­Chair were great to work with, the process was smooth and effi­cient through­out and we felt that Cindy worked well with the can­di­dates. We would cer­tain­ly work with Equi­ty Chair again as we con­tin­ue to build the skills that we need to deliv­er impact at scale across the South West.

Edward Rowberry, Chief Executive, Bristol & Bath Regional Capital
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My pri­vate equi­ty back­ers and I worked with Cindy to find a new Chair after the busi­ness had been through a pri­ma­ry buy out. I had a par­tic­u­lar remit for some­one who was high­ly peo­ple and coach­ing ori­en­tat­ed, but also pas­sion­ate about what we do as an edu­ca­tion busi­ness. Cindy rapid­ly helped find such peo­ple, and clear­ly high­light­ed the key rel­e­vant expe­ri­ence and areas of inter­est. In a quick and smooth process we were able to iden­ti­fy and secure some­one who will add huge val­ue to our plans.

Guy Ballantine, Chief Executive Officer, Skills Training UK

FD Direct Limited (trading as Equity FD, Equity FC, Equity Interim and Equity Chair) has ceased trading.

Please direct any enquiries to [email protected]