Culture and Values

We have four core values which underpin how our business operates both internally and externally.

Debated and decided upon by the whole team, our core values are:

  • Team
  • Respect
  • Flexibility
  • Positivity

Our culture embodies our values. We have always had an agile approach to work and our team has total flexibility with regard to where and how they work.

We offer private healthcare, including access to a private GP, gym membership as well as one month’s paid sabbatical after five years employment and a very relaxed approach to holidays!

We also support a number of not for profit organisations.

Inclusivity and Diversity

We know that diverse recruitment practices start with us. We encourage and celebrate applicants regardless of race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origin), age, religion or belief, sexual orientation, sex, gender reassignment, disability, marital status, pregnancy and maternity or socioeconomic background. We are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace by ensuring a diverse pool of talent, eliminating unlawful discrimination and recruiting the best person for each role. We review our practices on equality and diversity regularly.

Women Finance Leaders

Since March 2020 we've been interviewing women FDs and CFOs in PE/VC backed and growth companies to gain insights into their careers, leadership styles and lessons for fellow business people. Our mission is to showcase role models for women coming up through the finance function; At the highest levels women remain badly under- represented. It shouldn't need saying, diversity of thought and experience is essential in Boardroom positions; Who doesn't want the biggest pool possible of senior finance candidates for recruiting at this level? We ensure that our interviews are given centre stage on our widely followed LinkedIn account.

Recruitment tools

In our FD / FC practice we use a gender bias decoder on our adverts and also employ our own job spec diagnostic tool, The Equity IQ. Much research has been undertaken in relation to increasing the diversity of candidates in a recruitment process and recruiting to skills, experience and job compatibility has been shown to be a great way to not only increase diversity but also exclude unconscious bias.

Whilst the Equity IQ has many uses asking a client to complete it before a spec is drafted does mean that time is taken to consider the deliverables of the role and the skills / technical requirements afresh, rather than a rehash of previous hires.

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ICAEW partnership

Given the business focus of Equity FD and Equity FC always requires the selection of qualified accountants, a natural partner is the ICAEW, the leading global qualification body.

Globally they have over 150,000 members of which over 130,000 are in the UK. Over the course of 2023/ 24 we will be hosting a number of bespoke webinars seeking to actively engage with members from across their ICAEW Communities. We believe that webinars are a great and inclusive way of reaching all members whatever their location or time commitments. We will also be publicising these across social media.

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BVCA partnership

We are very pleased to be the BVCA’s (British Venture Capital Association) partner in their Diversity and Inclusion series in 2021/2022. Here you can view the event run by Sarah on international Women's Day and again this has been highlighted across social media platforms.

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We are very proud to be part of the Wealthiher network with Sarah being invited to become a Founding Voice. Welathiher is on a mission to drive the economic advancement and empowerment of women on a global scale and across all parts of Society equipping them with the knowledge tools and confidence they need to prosper and bringing together the financial services industry like never before. What is not to like?!


We have a long track record of working in the Impact space, in particular our exclusive relationship with Big Society Capital. The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) defines impact investing as’ investments made with the intention to generate positive, measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. Working in these spaces we hope not only allows us to play a very small part in the impact mission but also we believe broadens our appeal as a business to a wider range of candidates and in turn offers breadth to those who we secure roles for.

Equity FC/ Equity FD – The Journey!

As a group we recruit for scaling businesses and do not advocate a one size fits all approach, offering our clients the opportunity to hire at a level that matches them. We look to take our candidates on a journey from FC / Head of finance to the CFOs of tomorrow and as such we look to and do attract a much broader range of candidates. If you would like more information Sarah would be happy to share how this translates in to specifics on hires.

FD Direct Limited (trading as Equity FD, Equity FC, Equity Interim and Equity Chair) has ceased trading.

Please direct any enquiries to [email protected]