The Chair

We believe the role of the Chair is key to the performance of a business, particularly an entrepreneurial and/or private equity backed business.

No matter how talented the leaders are, when running a growing business there will, inevitably, be situations and challenges that occur which are unfamiliar to the management team. Having a Chair on the board who can bring experience, gravitas, maturity and balance can lend some reassurance to both the management team and to their investors.

Being a Chair is not an easy role, it can often be a tricky balancing act – between driving the business, mentoring the management, managing the investors, securing the exit, all whilst not being in the business full time. However, those who excel at this, relish the challenges the role brings and deliver great value to both management and investors.

FD Direct Limited (trading as Equity FD, Equity FC, Equity Interim and Equity Chair) has ceased trading.

Please direct any enquiries to [email protected]