Webinar: Achieving Financial Peace of Mind. Pre-Sale

22nd Jun 22

Achieving Financial Peace of Mind Header

In addition to maximising the value of a transaction, providing wider holistic support to business owners is crucial when it comes to planning for the years following your business exit.

This webinar is aimed at business owners and their advisers and will discuss how financial planners can play a key role in helping you to create a strategy to achieve your future goals and objectives.

The speakers will discuss both technical and broader aspects of creating a financial plan, including maximising tax efficiency and some of the tools that can help to answer the important question: is now the right time to exit?

Using case studies, David Vallance, Chartered Financial Planner, Scotland will look at the key personal questions to consider including: how much is enough; can I retire now; and what happens if there is a market crash?

Then they will open to a panel conversation with Amanda Browning, Head of Financial Services, Bristol to discuss:

• Use of different structures to maximise tax efficiency.
• How to determine an investment strategy suitable for a range of objectives; and
• Creating a legacy.

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FD Direct Limited (trading as Equity FD, Equity FC, Equity Interim and Equity Chair) has ceased trading.

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