The Hidden Truth - Women on Boards

16th Jun 21

Read the Latest report from Women on Boards – ‘The Hidden Truth’. As we’ve said before, now is not the time to think we’ve got there yet!!

CEO Fiona Hathorn has this to say on the report:

"Progress on board diversity has been painfully slow, yet, recently, there has been a creeping sense that what has been achieved is ‘enough’ and no more effort is needed.

This report categorically shows that more is absolutely needed.

It exposes the hidden truth that, beyond the overall number of female non-executives, progress has been extremely limited. Our data also reveals a very significant proportion of FTSE All-Share firms are achieving little, if any, meaningful change as regards to diversity and inclusion."

Some of the headline statistics are as follows:

  • under 50% have met the target for 33% women on boards;
  • more than 50% have an all-male executive leadership team;
  • just 16% have any ethnic diversity on their boards;
  • and 37% have one or no female board members.

Source: The Hidden Truth: Diversity and Inclusion in the FTSE All-Share

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